
Content is purely objective, but a subjective diary. No offense, non taken.

July 18, 2021

You know Uno

Pondering thought: When you are born i.e. cease to exist. If there is free will, there is uncertainty  which guarantees man can fly without wings. But then gravity ponders in dictating rules. Rules dictate someone set them, hence will aint free. Given that there is an intelligence that dictates. Governs to say. That one can change within igs influence, whereas the collective when decides ponders rules. And when all living unite dictates rules. Hence, A=B That intelligence is collective consciousness of every being living collectively thinking and making decisions.
United further in future to create a singular collective conscious being of singular intelligence. Omnipresent and  omnipotent like the internet. Realizing the circle of life. A cycle of life. That for it to be it needs to create what brought it there. None other than end of time, but the cycle of pondering thought. 

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