
Content is purely objective, but a subjective diary. No offense, non taken.

April 05, 2010

_Really seriously I mean . _

A promise, I will be honest from now on.

An incident today:
I see this documentary called " The Cove" a couple o weeks ago and then get all this argument with the Koreans regarding how it is so cruel to kill the dolphins the way the Japanese do. My point was killing a dolphin is the same as killing any other creature be it a chicken or a goat. The whole main point of the documentary was how they kill them. It was quite ruthless I suppose. At least it did.

And then today saw this travelogue on discovery on different cultural food in New York and saw this live octopus's limb's being cut off and being served to the The same Koren friend says it tastes good and is Koren Tradition. I reply saying guess its not a good tradition. And that it is the same as the Muslim tradition of eating Halal meat which is basically torturing an animal by cutting its throat halfway and eating it.

Guess she got offended . Guess she hates the Japanese too much to accuse there tradition. Traditions need to evolve and same with literacy.

Hypocrisy is a big way in the world and have to learn to live with it.

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