
Content is purely objective, but a subjective diary. No offense, non taken.

December 30, 2008

_Crash Landing_(for the Cable Guy)

Memories of me,
Create new puzzles.
Unconventional reality,
Creating Doubles.

A life stuck at stake
Counting as Bait.
A bitch walks the road
Counting her mother.

A dad waiting for lover.
his wife inside the lover.
A mother mocked her brother.
A sister killed her father.

Instances as such,
Quiver the soul.
To try something new,
A bright red door.

Memories of the fall,
Deep down and tall.
Stand within the reach,
Striving hard to teach.

With all thats so different,
With all thats so sweet,
There is a perfect lover,
A mother, father and others.

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